The Scottish Executive published a mental health delivery plan, setting out targets and commitments for the development of mental health services. It focused on better prevention, more local care, and improved support to help aid recovery.
Source: Delivering for Mental Health, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Plan | SE press release
Date: 2006-Dec
A report set out the national framework designed to make more choice available locally to people who used mental health services in England. A linked survey examined how much choice was already being provided for mental health patients.
Source: Our Choices in Mental Health: A framework for improving choice for people who use mental health services and their carers, Care Services Improvement Partnership/National Health Service (020 7972 1324) | Choice in Mental Health: Mental Health National Service Framework - Autumn Assessment 2005, Care Services Improvement Partnership/National Health Service
Links: Report | Survey report | DH press release
Date: 2006-Nov
New official guidance said that by 2009 all teachers, nurses and family doctors should be trained in recognizing children s mental health problems. It also called for the use of adult wards for children to be eliminated within five years, except for a few older adolescents who identified more readily with young adults.
Source: Louis Appleby, Sheila Shribman and Naomi Eisenstadt, Promoting the Mental Health and Psychological Well-being of Children and Young People: Report on the implementation of Standard 9 of the National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services, Department of Health (08701 555455)
Links: Guidance | Annex | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Nov
The government began consultation on the recommendations arising from a review of the Care Programme Approach (introduced in 1990 to provide a framework for effective mental health care for people with severe mental health problems).
Source: Reviewing the Care Programme Approach 2006, Department of Health (08701 555455)
Links: Consultation document
Date: 2006-Nov
The government began consultation on the regulation of health and adult social care in England. The Commission for Social Care Inspection would merge with the Healthcare Commission and Mental Health Act Commission to form a single regulator by 2008.
Source: The Future Regulation of Health and Adult Social Care in England, Department of Health (08701 555455)
Links: Consultation document | CHAI press release | Monitor press release | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Nov
A think-tank report examined early evidence relating to community-based compulsory treatment orders in Scotland. Staff felt the new system was fairer and had better safeguards for patients: but there were serious concerns over resources.
Source: Simon Lawton-Smith, Community-based Compulsory Treatment Orders in Scotland: The early evidence, King s Fund (020 7307 2591)
Links: Report | King's Fund press release | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Nov
A report described the ethical foundation on which the Bamford review (of mental health and learning disability in Northern Ireland) would base its proposals for service reform and modernization.
Source: Human Rights and Equality of Opportunity, Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability (Northern Ireland) (
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Nov
The mental health watchdog reported the findings of a bed occupancy survey. It expressed concern that bed pressures and over-occupancy of acute services had a deleterious effect on the care of detained patients at their most vulnerable time.
Source: Suki Desai and Mat Kinton, Who s Been Sleeping in My Bed? The incidence and impact of bed overoccupancy in the mental health acute sector, Mental Health Act Commission (0115 943 7100)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Nov
An update report highlighted budget cuts affecting mental health services. It called for mental health to be included in the list of key national priorities for the National Health Service.
Source: A Cut Too Far: Six Months On, Rethink (formerly National Schizophrenia Fellowship) (020 7330 9100)
Links: Report | Rethink press release | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Nov
A think-tank report said that mental health services faced two challenges: the need for dramatic improvements in access, and fierce pressure on budgets. Only the introduction of patient choice and competition could succeed in delivering better services under these conditions.
Source: Nick Bosanquet, Henry de Zoete and Andrew Haldenby, Mental Health Services in the NHS: Using reform incentives, Reform (020 7799 6699)
Links: Report | Rethink press release | BBC report | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Oct
The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on an action plan designed to improve the mental health and well-being of people in Wales; reduce stigma and discrimination associated with mental health problems; and promote social inclusion for people experiencing mental health problems.
Source: Mental Health Promotion Action Plan for Wales, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Plan | Plan (Welsh)
Date: 2006-Oct
A report examined the financial costs of differences in specialist mental health service use among people from different ethnic groups in London. Over-representation of African and Caribbean people in these services costs the National Health Service in London up to £100 million per year. If mental health trusts in London had the funds to invest in more appropriate community-based services for African and Caribbean people, they would not need to spend as much as they did on inpatient services.
Source: Costs of Race Inequality, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (020 7827 8300)
Links: Report | SCMH press release
Date: 2006-Oct
Two linked surveys examined the impact of environment on mental health. Nearly a third of people (29 per cent) who had recently stayed in mental health wards were dissatisfied with their ward s state of repair, and 28 per cent were unhappy about ward cleanliness. Workplace stress was the second biggest occupational health problem, and the office environment was a key factor.
Source: Building Solutions: Improving Mental Healthcare Environments, Mind (020 8519 2122) | , Building Solutions: Improving Office Environments,
Links: Report 1 | Report 2 | Mind press release | BBC report
Date: 2006-Oct
The healthcare inspectorate said that more people than previously who used community mental health services reported that National Health Service staff were treating them with dignity and respect. But improvements were needed in out-of-hours crisis care, talking therapies, and the amount of information given to people who used services.
Source: Press release 28 September 2006, Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection (020 7448 9200)
Links: CHAI press release | MHF press release | Rethink press release | BBC report | Guardian report | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Sep
A report examined the provision of child and adolescent mental health services in Wales, together with concerns over the implementation of strategies to improve them.
Source: Martyn Standing, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: An interview study of the perceptions of mental health professionals on services in Wales, Board of Community Health Councils in Wales (0845 644 7814)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Sep
A report said that there was a greater need than ever to have strong, specialist psychiatry services for older people.
Source: Raising the Standard: Specialist services for older people with mental illness, Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry/Royal College of Psychiatrists (020 7235 2351)
Links: Report | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Aug
The report was published of an independent review into child and adolescent mental health services in Northern Ireland. It highlighted a lack of appropriate facilities, problems recruiting staff, and a need for expanded services.
Source: Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability (Northern Ireland), A Vision of a Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service, c/o Northern Ireland Executive (
Links: Report | NICCY press release
Date: 2006-Aug
A survey found that more than half of England's mental health trusts had seen money diverted away from them to pay for deficits in other local health services.
Source: Under Pressure: The finances of mental health trusts in 2006, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (020 7827 8300)
Links: Report | SCMH press release | Mind press release | Alzheimer's Society press release | BBC report
Date: 2006-Jul
A report said there had been at least 19 rapes of mental health patients in England, and more than 100 other improper sexual incidents in psychiatric units, over the previous two years.
Source: With Safety in Mind: Mental health services and patient safety, National Patient Safety Agency/National Health Service (020 7927 9500)
Links: Report | NPSA press release | Mind press release | MHF press release | Guardian report | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Jul
A think-tank report said that mental health service users wanted more choices about the care they received, and better support to help them make those choices.
Source: Lesley Warner, Jeevi Mariathasan, Simon Lawton-Smith and Chiara Samele, Choice Literature Review: A review of the literature and consultation on choice and decision-making for users and carers of mental health and social care services, King s Fund (020 7307 2591) and Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
Links: Report | Summary | King's Fund press release
Date: 2006-Jul
A study examined the nature, scope, and impact of service provision in Scotland for people with co-existing mental health and substance misuse problems.
Source: Claire-Louise Hodges et al., Co-morbid Mental Health and Substance Misuse in Scotland, Scottish Executive (web publication only)
Date: 2006-Jul
A report said that the cost of incapacity benefits could be cut by spending more on psychotherapy. Depression and anxiety accounted for 40 per cent of people who were claming incapacity benefit and unable to work: but many of these people could return to good health and employment if psychological therapy courses were extended across the country.
Source: The Depression Report: A new deal for depression and anxiety disorders, Mental Health Policy Group/Centre for Economic Performance/London School of Economics (020 7955 7673)
Links: Report | LSE press release | Mind press release | MHF press release | Rethink press release | SCMH press release | FT report | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Jun
An article reported a study which found that patients with mental health problems felt the care they received from their family doctor could be improved if they were given initial advice from other patients who had been through the system .
Source: Helen Lester, Lynda Tait, Elizabeth England and Jonathan Tritter, 'Patient involvement in primary care mental health: a focus group study', British Journal of General Practice, Volume 56 Number 527
Links: Abstract | RCGP press release
Date: 2006-Jun
A report said that mental health problems in children and adolescents were on the increase: but mental health services were failing the most vulnerable, such as children in care, and those from black and ethnic minorities.
Source: Child and Adolescent Mental Health: A guide for healthcare professionals, British Medical Association (020 7387 4499)
Links: Report | BMA press release | MHF press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Jun
An article said that young people in the criminal justice system were a significant financial burden not only on that system but also on social services, health, and education. The relationship between cost and depressed mood indicated a role for mental health services in supporting young offenders, particularly those in the community.
Source: Barbara Barrett, Sarah Byford, Prathiba Chitsabesan and Cassandra Kenning, 'Mental health provision for young offenders: service use and cost', British Journal of Psychiatry, June 2006
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jun
An audit report said that mental health trusts performed better than acute sector trusts in terms of financial standing: but they faced challenges relating to the availability and quality of data to support effective financial decision making; the move to foundation status; and the need to strengthen partnership arrangements so that services delivered jointly by different agencies were underpinned with sound management arrangements.
Source: Managing Finances in Mental Health: A review to support improvement and best practice, Audit Commission (0800 502030)
Links: Report | Audit Commission press release
Date: 2006-Jun
The government published a report outlining ten key changes that mental health providers should make to improve quality of care for patients and drive better service efficiency. The changes included: more home treatment for service users; improving access to screening and assessment for people with suspected mental health problems; avoiding unnecessary contact for service users; and providing contact in the right setting.
Source: 10 High Impact Changes for Mental Health Services, National Institute for Mental Health in England/National Health Service (0113 254 5000)
Links: Report | Summary | DH press release
Date: 2006-Jun
A report examined the factors affecting the mental health of women in custody; and how local authorities, voluntary organizations and health services could help to prevent offending and re-offending by women.
Source: Penny Butler and Dorothy Kousoulou, Women at Risk: The mental health of women in contact with the judicial system, London Development Centre/Care Services Improvement Partnership (020 7307 2431)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Jun
An article said that the mental health needs of young offenders were high, but often unmet. This emphasized the importance of structured needs assessment within custody and community settings, in conjunction with a care programme approach that improved continuity of care.
Source: Prathiba Chitsabesan et al., 'Mental health needs of young offenders in custody and in the community', British Journal of Psychiatry, June 2006
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jun
A report drew attention to the extent of problems experienced by mothers before and after the birth of children, highlighted shortfalls in service provision for women with perinatal mental health problems, and presented recommendations for better working practices.
Source: Margaret Oates and Ian Rothera, Out of the Blue? Motherhood and depression, Mind (020 8519 2122)
Links: Report | Summary | Mind press release | BBC report | Guardian report
Date: 2006-May
A report highlighted over 30 budget cuts affecting mental health services in England, amounting to more than ?30 million. It warned that more cuts were yet to be discovered.
Source: Lucy Widenka, A Cut Too Far, Rethink (formerly National Schizophrenia Fellowship) (020 7330 9100)
Links: Report | Rethink press release | Guardian report
Date: 2006-May
An article examined 'layered care' in primary mental health services, designed to provide patients with easy access to a variety of mental health responses that build up into an individual programme, through one initial contact with a mental health worker.
Source: Andrew Arthur, 'Layered care: a proposal to develop better primary care mental health services', Primary Care Mental Health, Volume 3 Number 2
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-May
A review report made recommendations designed to enable nurses to improve the care of people with mental health problems, for example by providing more psychological therapies and by promoting physical well-being.
Source: From Values to Action: The Chief Nursing Officer s review of mental health nursing, Department of Health (08701 555455)
Links: Report | DH press release | MHF press release | Mind press release | SCMH press release | BBC report
Date: 2006-Apr
An article said that, compared with the proportion of black mental health patients in the general population in their region of origin, a much higher proportion of black patients were admitted to high-security psychiatric hospitals in England, and fewer of their needs were met.
Source: Morven Leese et al., 'Ethnic differences among patients in high-security psychiatric hospitals in England', British Journal of Psychiatry, April 2006
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Apr
The Scottish Executive published a review of mental health nursing in Scotland, and a five-year action plan on how to develop the workforce.
Source: Rights, Relationships and Recovery: The report of the National Review of Mental Health Nursing in Scotland, Scottish Executive, available from Blackwell's Bookshop (0131 622 8283)
Links: Report | SE press release | MHF press release
Date: 2006-Apr
An article said that community mental health teams were able to support people with serious mental illnesses as effectively as assertive community treatment teams: but assertive community treatment might be better at engaging clients, and might lead to greater satisfaction with services. (Assertive community treatment is a team treatment approach designed to provide comprehensive, community-based psychiatric treatment, rehabilitation, and support.)
Source: Helen Killaspy et al., 'The REACT study: randomised evaluation of assertive community treatment in north London', British Medical Journal, 8 April 2006
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Apr
A paper said that primary care organizations should make mental health a priority for primary care within the National Health Service.
Source: Mental Health and Primary Care, Royal College of General Practitioners (020 7581 3232)
Links: Paper | RCGP press release
Date: 2006-Mar
The Scottish Executive announced tighter safeguards on the management of restricted mental health patients, following publication of an inquiry report on the conviction of a conditionally discharged patient for culpable homicide in March 2005.
Source: Press release 22 March 2006, Scottish Executive (0131 556 8400)
Links: SE press release | Inquiry report
Date: 2006-Mar
A new book provided a comprehensive overview of mental health policy and practice. It highlighted examples of successful evidence-based practice, and discussed how services could be changed and improved.
Source: Helen Lester and Jon Glasby, Mental Health: Policy and Practice, Palgrave Macmillan (01256 329242)
Links: Summary
Date: 2006-Mar
An article examined the challenges facing child and adolescent mental health service provision for looked after children, who were almost five times more likely to have a mental disorder than children in the general population.
Source: Colette McAuley and Ciara Young, 'The mental health of looked after children: challenges for CAMHS provision', Journal of Social Work Practice, Volume 20 Issue 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Mar
A report said that mental health hospital wards could become better places to stay and work in - if staff and service users were given more opportunities to make the changes they knew were needed.
Source: The Search for Acute Solutions: Improving the quality of care in acute psychiatric wards, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (020 7827 8300)
Links: SCMH press release
Date: 2006-Feb
A briefing paper said that fear about breaching patient confidentiality could prevent effective involvement of carers in mental healthcare, resulting in poorer outcomes for people with mental illness.
Source: Sharing Mental Health Information with Carers: Pointers to good practice for service providers, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (020 7636 8636)
Links: Briefing | Rethink press release
Date: 2006-Feb
A report set out a radical vision for a future mental health service focusing on well-being rather than ill-health. It proposed that by 2015 crisis houses would be used instead of hospitals for people needing inpatient care. Direct payments and individual budgets would play an increasing role as those with the most serious problems could buy the services they wanted. Service users would be aided by an 'associate' who could provide advice on employment, benefits, and housing as well as care.
Source: The Future of Mental Health: A vision for 2015, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (020 7827 8300)
Links: Report | Community Care report | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Jan
The healthcare inspectorate said that some black and minority-ethnic groups were three or more times more likely than average to be admitted as inpatients in mental health services.
Source: Count Me In 2008: Results of the 2008 national census of inpatients in mental health and learning disability services in England and Wales, Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection (020 7448 9200)
Links: Report | CHAI press release | Mind press release | Guardian report | Community Care report
Date: 2006-Jan
An article reported high levels of stress and emotional exhaustion, and low levels of job satisfaction, among mental health social workers.
Source: Sherrill Evans et al., 'Mental health, burnout and job satisfaction among mental health social workers in England and Wales', British Journal of Psychiatry, January 2006
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jan
A think-tank report said that severe psychiatric disorders in children and young people cost society as much as £1.5 billion every year owing to a lack of available treatment.
Source: Iona Joy, Matthew van Poortvliet and Clare Yeowart, Heads Up: Mental health of children and young people, New Philanthropy Capital (0207 401 8080)
Links: Summary | NPC press release
Date: 2006-Jan
A report examined the latest primary care mental health research, and the social and policy context of primary mental healthcare.
Source: Primary Care Mental Health, National Primary Care Research and Development Centre (0161 275 0611)
Links: Report | NPCRDC press release
Date: 2006-Jan
The final report was published of an independent review of child and adolescent mental health services. Since 2004 there had been 'significant progress' within all services contributing to mental health and psychological well-being: but improvements were still not as comprehensive, as consistent or as good as they could be. The government responded by announcing a plan to set up a National Advisory Council for children's mental health and psychological well-being.
Source: Children and Young People in Mind: The final report of the National CAMHS Review, Department of Health (08701 555455) | House of Commons Hansard, Written Ministerial Statement 18 November 2008, columns 9-11WS, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | DH/DCSF press release | Hansard | MHF press release | YoungMinds press release | Community Care report | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Jan
An article proposed a framework for research in mental health social work which recognized a wider knowledge base than that promoted by conventional evidence-based practice.
Source: Nick Gould, 'An inclusive approach to knowledge for mental health social work practice and policy', British Journal of Social Work, Volume 36 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Jan
A report was published by a mental health watchdog, based on visits to detained psychiatric patients in all hospitals in England and Wales in the two years 2003-2005. It called for measures to break the circles of fear that might contribute to avoidable use of coercion in mental health services.
Source: In Place of Fear? Eleventh Biennial Report 2003-2005, Mental Health Act Commission, TSO (0870 600 5522)
Links: Report | MHAC press release | MHF press release | Mind press release | Guardian report
Date: 2006-Jan